Rewind Art Gallery & Digital Twin (e-shop)

Rewind Gallery & Digital Twin Gallery

A physical art gallery with digital e-store!

The gallery is a single wall space spanning roughly 4m across and 6m high. Shared between all works on it.


traditional paintings / drawings, collage, books, fashion, textiles, sculptures / installations (if they can be wall-mounted), mosaics, woodworking, doodads and doohickeys, ceramics, glass, photography, found objects

Whose art is it?

Anyone! Even yours? Submit an EOI? (coming soon)

The deal:

  • %1 commission on any sale plus provider processing (square/paypal/bank fees), you set your prices
  • we provide payment processing and customer liason
  • we are a dynamic, sometimes rowdy space and will take no liability for artworks or damage to artworks
  • we can decide how long your artwork is in the gallery, based on how much we like it. (then be returned to you)
  • Works get hung where they fit!
  • Works will be digitally recreated however we can be bothered, and placed on the e-store for digital viewing and purchasing.
  • Works will be digitally available past the point of sale in the gallery archive, unless you tell us not to.
  • No fees
Our full terms(coming soon)