17/12/24 Launching AMP!
Today we're officially announcing AMP! It's been a long time in the works but it's finally time to tell the world and start to pull people in for it.
It's gonna be a really fun time, check out the program and sign up!
13/11/24 The Curernt State of Rewind
Things have been changing quite rapidly in the space in the past year, with quite little public insight. We're starting to open up our committee and memberships to non-studio holders, have refitted much of the building (with more underway) and have dramatically improved our organisational facilities.
All this being said our most contributing members are still quite a small group. Being quite reliant on a few people having lots of spare time, this is not infinitely sustainable and we hope to expand our horizons in the near future. If Rewind is a space you'd like to be involved in, please send us an email @ join@rewind.org.au :).
12/11/24 - webiste improvements! - Announcements!
- moved blog to it's own page and added PHP script to auto-generate page, allowing for new blog posts to be recorded as individual HTML snippets :)
- improved support us copy
15/09/24 - Introducting the Art Gallery, Venue accessibility updates
We're starting an art gallery in the space which gives artists 99% of the sale price. The only catch? it's a single wall gallery :) More details and EOI form to come ASAP!! (for now send us an email art@rewind.org.au
Added diagrams and detailed measurements to our venue accessiblity page.
31/07/24 - Become a Supporter! Become a member! New Automated Calendar! Cat Friend!
Huge progress on the rewind site this month, have a squiz!
- Updated Navigation Links
- Added calendar page, made calendar auto-populate with event info from our internal calendar
- Added venue accessiblity page
- Added supporter form, membership page+form
- Added our Social Arts Development Program page, give it a sus if u like co-habited making
- Added cat friend, give it a click and watch it follow u around !
- No longer writing the site in the production environment (bad idea)
- Minor style changes
13/06/24 - Getting there
added new rewind logo background gif!
Working on the main css for the site and separating parts of the site into referenced files for consistency once I start adding new pages.
thinking about building my own simple php-based CMS-lite for the site in the future but do we really want to exit the text editor?
will separate this into a separate blog later :)
10/06/24 - Whoops
We accidentally killed our old cool website, here's a new shit one that will eventually become cool again.
how did we killed it? Our web hoster changed their server IP's and cloudflare doesn't automatically update this, we didn't realise this was the issue and broke the CRM we were using trying to find the issue. Why didn't we have backups? Great question :)