
Est. 2010

DIY community space. Not-for-profit community run. Rehearsal room, artist studios, events and community services.

13/06/24 - Getting there

added new rewind logo background gif!

Working on the main css for the site and separating parts of the site into referenced files for consistency once I start adding new pages.

thinking about building my own simple php-based CMS-lite for the site in the future but do we really want to exit the text editor?

will separate this into a separate blog later :)

10/06/24 - Whoops

We accidentally killed our old cool website, here's a new shit one that will eventually become cool again.

how did we killed it? Our web hoster changed their server IP's and cloudflare doesn't automatically update this, we didn't realise this was the issue and broke the CRM we were using trying to find the issue. Why didn't we have backups? Great question :)